Meditation at CHH
“Everything in the future will improve, if you are making the spiritual effort now.”
~ Sri Yukteswar.
~ Sri Yukteswar.
Individual instruction in mediation is available online by appointment.
Please call 366-841-4307 or email us at [email protected] to schedule an appointment with a meditation teacher.
Please call 366-841-4307 or email us at [email protected] to schedule an appointment with a meditation teacher.
Meditation Monday Practice
December 9 ,2019 |
Meditation Monday Practice
December 2, 2019 Welcome to your Monday meditation! Today we are simply being the observer of how our breath impacts our body. We allow the breath to move like a wave on the inhale from the belly to ribs to our chest and flow out again from chest, ribs, to belly. Being aware of the flow of the breath in the body can provide a way for us to connect to the present moment anywhere at anytime. "We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize." -Thich Nhat Hanh |
Meditation Monday Practice
November 18th 2019 In today's mediation you are invited to take a moment to breathe and connect to the energy of your heart space and inner light. It is an opportunity to connect to the stillness and calm within you. Enjoy! “All of the lights of the world cannot be compared to a ray of the inner light of the self.” -Anonymous |
Meditation Monday Practice
November 18th 2019 Want to reduce your stress level, increase alertness, and boost your immune system? Consciously changing the way you breathe has been shown to assist with all of these! Take a moment to give yourself the benefits of intentional breathing in this short video for breathing in a 4 count inhale and 5 count exhale pattern. You deserve the time for self care! Enjoy. "Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity." -Thich Nhat Hanh |
Meditation Monday Practice
November 4th 2019 In today's meditation we take a moment to connect to our body and breath, release any tension or negativity and then create an empty space... so we can invite in infinite possibilities! “Believe in possibilities. Believe in human potential. Believe in yourself and you'll have the power to change your fate.” -Kevin Ngo |
Meditation Monday Practice
October 28th 2019 This week Julie shares with us a way to take a quick moment to use your breath to calm the limbic system of your brain in order to invite a sense of wellness, safety and peace into your day. Take a moment to breathe and enjoy! |
Welcome to your Monday Meditation Practice
October 21st 2019 In today's meditation we introduce the Samana Mudra. Samana Mudra helps to support digestion and also assists with assimilation of sensory experiences. Take a meditation moment with us now to experience this beneficial mudra! |
Welcome to your meditation Monday practice!
October 14th 2019 In today's meditation we invite you to practice body awareness along with mantra to invite healing and calm into you practice. Enjoy! Meditation by Julie Barrier |
Happy Meditation Monday!
October 7th 2019 It is Meditation Monday! We invited you to take a moment this evening and practice this heart centered mantra meditation. It is a lovely way to center yourself as you transition home from your day or use it again this week in the morning to center yourself in positive heart centered energy before you begin your day. Enjoy! Let us know your experience with it. We'd love to hear from you. Meditation by Julie Caroline |
Happy Meditation Monday!
September 30th 2019 Fall is here and yet the heat of summer is still with us. Today's meditation invites you to take a moment to try a cooling breath that removes excess heat from the body. As a bonus, the breath also assists with improving the digestion of food and as well as your experiences. Hope you enjoy it! |
Happy Fall Equinox, everyone! Here at The Center for Holistic Healing, we are excited to welcome the 1st day of Fall.
• We are embracing the idea of balance today with the sun directly above the equator, making day & night roughly equal at 12 hours of each. • Below is a guided meditation from Julie. She explains the process of Nadi Shodhana, also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing. This is a great breathing practice for when you are feeling stressed or anxious due to the calming effect it can have on your mind and body. It is a great practice for bringing balance to your emotions and enhancing your mind body connection. Enjoy! Meditation by Julie Caroline |