What are your thoughts and feeling around the cold of this season?
Winter is here and hence the freezing cold is something we can expect to feel for a while.
The cold is necessary in the growth process and reminds us to reestablish an appropriate balance between movement and stillness as well as activity and rest.
“Cold” is also a perception and has qualities. Like most of our experiences, the cold is given adjectives by how we choose to perceive it. Some people may even experience the cold as pleasant. There is a village in the Arctic Circle part of Russia where people live in conditions well below zero degrees Fahrenheit!
The right amount of cold can wake you up in the morning, with a splash to your face and eyes, and could possibly also boost your immune system. Cooler temperatures are cleansing, slowing the growth of bacteria. Certain types of exposure to cold have been linked to fighting inflammation, striegnthening the nervous system, and even boosting levels of norepinephrice and dopamine. Cold can be amazing under the right circumstances!
Cold can be manageable and we may grow to appreciate it’s arrival, qualities and ongoing presence.
In the coming weeks of cold we invite you to take some time to notice and consider your perceptions of cold. Some questions to journal about or just ponder might include the following:
What are some of the positive qualities of cold? What adjectives do you use when you talk about or describe the cold?
Do you incorporate the positive role it has for the growth cycle and other benefits in your cold related musings? Why or why not?
What are your thoughts about and reactions to the periods of rest and stillness cold provides?
What would embracing the cold and its related stillness and rest look like for you?
If you would like to learn more about how cold can be embraced in the right way for your particular mind, body, and inner being, please reach out for an appointment.